"Every human being has a singing voice. Our work is to unveil,
take away the hindrances and free the voice."
~Valborg Werbeck Svardstrom

‘Uncovering the Voice’ also called 'Werbeck Singing,' can be described as yoga for the voice. The wide range of singing exercises are innately therapeutic and bring balance to the whole person on multiple levels: physical, emotional, and social.
The process of singing is viewed holistically and encourages a natural opening and balancing of the voice. Singers are gently invited to move with joy and confidence in discovering their beautiful singing potential.
The foundational training group class is held in Northern CA and private lessons and additional classes are held over zoom or in person in Denver, CO or CA.
These singing exercises stand alone as a spiritual, meditative and healing practice in their own right. They expand our relationship to the world of tones and sounds and reconnect us to the universal sound stream.
All singers are welcome, from beginners to advanced musicians. Every person has the ability to
reflect the essence of life through singing.
The School of Uncovering the Voice was founded in 1924 by the Swedish singer, Mrs. Valborg Werbeck Svardstrom in collaboration with Rudolf Steiner.
Mrs. Werbeck wrote her experiences and spiritual understanding of the human voice in her book, “Uncovering the Voice, The Cleansing Power of Song.”

Meeting with the School of Uncovering the Voice has brought me closer to a wholesome singing practice and has provided me with a solid anchor on my vocal explorations, a safe and nurturing place for healing the voice and for growing more intimately familiar with it. In the few years passing since this schooling first reached me, new knowledge has been constantly flowing into my listening and singing, deepening my awareness to space as the habitation of the voice and to the voice's place within it. The Singing Training will allow these understandings to further mature and will serve to continue the cultivation of presence, sensitivity and elasticity that allow the voice to shine through the body. With the help of this sharpened presence, I hope to be able not only to meet the world with my own stronger, more centered voice, but also to impart this knowledge to others who may benefit from it.
-David K.

How does one speak of "The School of Uncovering the Voice" without sounding too mythical, opening oneself to suspicion, for this is not an easy thing to speak about. When I first came to the Open Course, I was told the work would "Meet Me Where I Was." I silently wondered what that could possibly mean? I grew up with an Amish grandmother, cousins, aunties, uncles and relatives, who all believed in the power of song. I did not know this then, I only felt it. We sang for every occasion; for work, for birth, for death, in four part harmony, without instrumentation. My first understanding of something sacred came from song. Perhaps the definition of "Uncovering the Voice" I might give is that one will discover that which is sacred in oneself again. There are things buried in the heart that perhaps only music can stir up again.
-Beth N.
The workshop and private lessons have brought me a deep joy and an awakening that I have been longing for. I am very moved by the process of genuinely connecting with the power of the voice and the breath; of experiencing the wisdom and effectiveness of not pushing and not trying so hard. My voice transformed within a week and I already feel more connected with it. Voice exercises from previous teachers used to bore me, but now I actually feel delighted to practice the UTV exercises I learned. I experience these voice exercises as I would a meditation practice. They bring mindfulness, focus and calm to my busy life, bringing true healing and peace.
-Lena P.
Connection, like the ripples when you toss the smooth stone into the water; connection to the lion’s wild mane. Thank you for these lively, living, working moments! Joyous, grateful work!
-Beverly K.

I have appreciated the opportunity to be in the Open Singing Course. The spiritual understanding of the human being sets these singing exercises apart from other 'warm up exercises' that are even similar in some ways in other schools of singing. It is this subtle yet huge difference that gives the therapeutic element an extra dimension that goes so much deeper than most approaches to the human voice. If one is willing to do the work, these exercises can have a marvelous effect in opening the voice. In essence, it is the spiritual understanding of the singing process and particularly the larynx which contributes to the uniqueness of this work.
-Joy S.
I loved it! I was moved to tears! Uncovering the Voice is an affirmation of my inner needs. I'm longing for the wholeness and want to experience more!
-Jen A.
Werbeck singing has been restorative, energizing and healing and has helped bring practical experience and application to many of the spiritual concepts we study in my studio. I personally have been through a long journey of vocal issues while being a lifelong performer and music minister. Werbeck's work has helped me to recover my voice time and time again and continues to assist me in re-training old patterns of strain that I developed in early, less enlightened vocal study. There is nothing I'd rather do than learn more about this incredible co-creative art in which we have the blessed opportunity to allow living sound presence to take form in the world.
-Kath R.

The Singing Retreat has been for me a kind of soul-oasis, a place where my spirit drank from waters that fed me more deeply than I realize even now. I have been drenched in pure tone and crisp, precise consonants as well as rich and wide vowels.
To listen to my own voice resonating in clear tones, and at the same time to the voices of those around me, connected me simultaneously to my inner depths and to the depths we all share. This could be called “the Voice of Heaven’. And I am ready to get drenched again!
-Pamela B.
The experience of the singing retreat is multi-faceted. First, the exercises are gentle and respective of the natural function of the human body, without any forcing. This approach is about tending one’s voice from the inside, coming to meet your expression of your voice, comfortably and without strain. Attention is on sensing and noticing the inner environment, and supporting the fullness and quality of tone, rather than only on projection of the sound. This approach is to foster allowing the sounds to arise and resonate. The exercises are easy and natural and are designed to work with the body in a soothing way.
In this workshop you are invited to experience the glow and energetic effect from the group exercises, as well as gather a collection of tools to continue your journey to discover your voice.
Come join with a group of harmonious ones and celebrate your own quality of voice!
-Claudette C.

Thanks for an amazing Singing Retreat! I didn't know what to expect; after all the work I've done on myself, I was surprised that this singing showed me some structures inside myself I hadn't known were there. I'm getting glimpses of the 'me' I am underneath all the cultural over-layment and I am thrilled to be finally able to access this territory!
-Lissa C.
Thank you for all the sensitivity and strength you bring to the world cloaked in wonder, beauty and love. Your way in the world brings hope and healing.
-Katherine P.
The singing course helped me gain entrance to a spacious sense of true engagement with my voice that I’ve not experienced before, with a sense that this resistance I’ve had can give way to more openness and participation.
- Lily N.
This course is very illuminating to me and supports many of my own discoveries during my forty years of teaching guitar. It has cured my "hopeless" attitude about singing!
-Nan S.

Uncovering the Voice is a revolution in the teaching of singing. These technical exercises gently guide beginning and experienced singers into vocal freedom. It is an often-emotional experience that leads you back to the joy of singing.
-Lynne M.
I have studied singing for many years and appreciate the gentle, soothing, relaxing approach. Reminded me of yoga and of labor-opening.
-Beth G.
Just amazing! Really connected me to my voice in a new, spiritual way.
-Ken S.
Wonderful course with depth, feeling and sharing of such knowledge!
-Julie M.